Saturday, September 8, 2018

Entering the creative realm

As a kid, I was always looking at creative ways to spend time - drawing, making toys, projects for classrooms. However, with age, I lost touch with the creative side of my mind. Until recently, a sequence of events, started bringing out the creative flow of work. I have now started working on writing stories, short snippets, poems, and craft work with different materials. Though it seemed impossible when I initially thought about it, my motivation was strong enough to continue working on these things. What I realized when all this happened was that the aspect of creativity as a child within me was never lost, it was simply masked in the hundreds and thousands of tasks and responsibilities I had taken upon myself.

Today, if I am confidently able to surprise a person around me with my creation, I owe all the appreciation to the set of events that transformed me from a boring, regular individual to one going behind creative pursuits. I now wish I could continue doing this for a long, long time to come and continue to think, act, and pursue creative avenues to surprise someone and bring a smile to their lips, amidst the busy nature of our lives. What I also realized that, with the more creative things I did, the more inner joy and happiness I experienced, both while creating and while someone looked at and expressed their feelings. Not only that, it also seems therapeutic to get out of the routine task of being employed and think differently of the world


  1. Glad you could find the creative kid in you and make friends with him. Enjoy the friendship.
