Sunday, July 21, 2019

Digital connected solid waste management for cities

It's time to have an efficient supply chain like Amazon for Waste(apart from plastic )management in cities and people who are in this stream do need  work with dignity. As the cities are growing it is a necessity to have an improved system faster.

The existing system of waste collection do not ensure 100% of waste is transferred to the recycling unit

Solution to this challenge

·      Evaluate the concerns ( establish handling system for  nasty waste and eliminate odor)

·      Establish a supply chain ( connected supply chain)

·      Monitor/improve the supply chain ( evaluating a performance by business model)

Business model is needed where system is on a platform where the profitability and operating efficiency is defined for the companies  in the process which should be better than existing government led function which is fed by tax

Decentralising the chain from the government and connecting all the nodes of the chain digitally is ultimate solution

Lets see how the experiment would feel like  

1 day experiment

1 Week  experiment

The Experiment or the wire frame model for the process would be to establish a digital model/app for the collection, distribution and conversion of the waste collected.

The Boxes for collection would be standardised set: boxes for the defined quantity which the users pre select from the app. these boxes are  given to the consumers by the distributers itself.

Here another experiment is the app. This would be on a platform where all stakeholders are connected. The business model here is distributer, consumer(bio gas generation plants) and producers transacts on the platform connected by cloud.

The consumers, distributers and producers should have an advantage in moving towards the new solution.The producers will get the value added services and points for sharing the waste delivered to the distributers as it will connected to other app like Amazon etc. Where the points can be redeemed.

However this we be model run  by consumers and producers on the platform, Distributers are paid by both of them. The profitability of these distribution service is compared to other attractive distribution service in the market.

The systems (procedures) are standardised so that the distributing system is efficient, the advantage is Net waste collected at the source can be tracked till it reaches the recycling unit.

Trial experiment will be conducted on a society where the waste is collected in a standardised manner and waste is delivered to the generation plant however initially we will monitor only the waste collection and sharing to the distribution.

Experiment spent  for 1 week

Phase 1

Waste bins/boxes 500 Nos: cost Rs. 5000/-
Transportation: Rs 25000
Volunteers (10): Rs 100000

Net Cost Rs. 1,30,000/-

Phase 2

 App development and connectivity on cloud Rs 1,50,000/-

Total Cost: Approx. Rs. 3,00,000/-

Experiment monitoring and study

Check for the comfort levels of all stakeholders in the process from collection to transportation that defines the success level and later evaluate and improve the gaps on the platform mediated networks

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